SMS Banking
Bank can provide SMS Banking service to its customers.
SMS Mobile messages are categorized broadly as
- PUSH SMS Messages
- PULL SMS Messages
PUSH functionality
These messages mainly comprise of alerts, greetings and product promotional / information related SMS’s sent by the Bank to the customer.
Types of push messages
- Welcome messages after registration of customers for SMS banking
- Transaction Alerts (Debit & Credit)
- Inward clearing posting pending
- Clearing Cheque returns
- Term Deposit maturity alerts
- Advances overdue alerts
- Greeting messages
- Product Promotions
- Intimation to the customers
PULL functionality
These are the SMS’s triggered by the customers for information. The reply to the Pull SMS is the details of information requested by the customer.
Types of PULL messages
- Account balance enquiry
- Last three transactions
- Cheque Status Inquiry
Initially We offer only PUSH service to our Cutomer with Transactional Alert
Charges -Rs. 10/Quarter (including S.T)
*condition applied